Institute of Life Sciences jobs for Research Associate - I in Bhubaneswar
Institute of Life Sciences, an autonomous institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India invites applications for the post of Research Associate - I Project Title: DBT funded project “A nematode HSP70 immunomodulator for therapeutic intervention of SARS CoV2 in Golden Hamsters” No. of Post: 01 Fellowship: Rs. 47,000/- + HRA@16% per month. Eligibility: Ph. D. in Biotechnology/Life Sciences or any of the allied subjects. An ideal candidate will be competent with working knowledge of immunological and molecular biological techniques to study Innate Immunity, Cell culture, handling experimental animals, etc
Candidates should have First-author publication(s) in the field of Immunology. Candidates who have submitted their Ph.D. thesis and are waiting for defense/viva voce may also apply. But for such candidates, the fellowship amount will be that of an SRF until he/she defends the thesis. Desirable qualification: 1-2 years post-Ph.D. experience Selection will be carried out through application screening, followed by an interview process.